Author: COSEOM

How the B2B Marketing Industry Fosters Innovation and Creativity

Did you know that 47% of B2B buyers now base their purchase decisions on content? This stat highlights a big shift in the B2B marketing world, where being innovative and creative is key. B2B marketers have figured out that sticking to old methods just doesn’t cut it anymore. Instead, they’re always on the hunt for fresh ways to engage audiences, boost conversions, and build lasting relationships. Let’s dive into how the B2B marketing industry is driving innovation and creativity right now.

47% of B2B buyers now base their purchase decisions on content


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The 8 Leading B2B Social Media Trends of 2024

Social media’s role in B2B marketing continues to evolve rapidly, making it crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. As we step into 2024, it’s time to explore the top B2B social media trends that will shape the industry.

Keep Reading: The 8 Leading B2B Social Media Trends of 2024
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7 New Year Resolutions for B2B Marketing Teams in 2024

Imagine it’s December 31, 2023. The clock is ticking towards midnight, and as the final seconds of the year slip away, you – a B2B marketing professional – find yourself reflecting on the past year’s triumphs and tribulations. You think about the campaigns that soared and those that didn’t quite hit the mark. As the new year dawns, you’re filled with a renewed sense of purpose and a burning question: How can you make 2024 the year your marketing team truly shines?

Keep Reading: 7 New Year Resolutions for B2B Marketing Teams
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Top 5 Strategies to Succeed in Online Reputation Management

In today’s digital age, online reputation has become an invaluable asset for businesses. It serves as the first impression for potential customers, business partners, and even investors, significantly influencing brand perception and success.

Keep reading: Top 5 Strategies to Succeed in Online Reputation Management
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Comprehensive Guide to PPC Strategies for B2B in 2024

B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing has its unique challenges, and when it comes to PPC (Pay-Per-Click) strategies, it’s crucial to understand the nuances to drive meaningful results. This guide delves deep into the most asked questions about PPC strategies for B2B

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B2B SaaS Marketing: The Future is Now – Embracing Modern Strategies and Trends


In the fast-paced universe of B2B SaaS marketing, change is the only constant. With fresh strategies and trends popping up at breakneck speed, keeping up with the times is more than just a necessity in 2023 – it’s a survival tactic. To stay in the game and fuel growth, we need to harness the power of these cutting-edge approaches. So, let’s take a journey together, exploring the exciting trends and strategies that are currently sculpting the future of B2B SaaS marketing.

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