Author: COSEOM

Unraveling Brandformance: A Holistic Approach to Marketing

Learn how to use Brandformance to your advantage and boost your B2B / SaaS Marketing.

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, new concepts and strategies are continually emerging, each promising to be the key to unlocking unprecedented growth and success. One such concept that has recently gained traction is “Brandformance,” a term (more…)

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Tackling Cookieless Tracking in 2023: Strategies for B2B Marketing Executives

As the digital marketing landscape evolves, B2B marketing executives must adapt to new challenges and opportunities. One of the most significant shifts in recent years is the move towards a cookieless world. With the introduction of data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, and the phasing out of third-party cookies by major browsers, marketers must (more…)

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How To Choose The Right PPC Agency (Without Wasting Time And Money)

Selecting the right external PPC vendor for your digital marketing efforts can be complicated but selecting a PPC agency for your business or Enterprise is even more difficult. Before selecting the right PPC vendor for your company there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself and the Pay Per Click service providers you are interested in. We want to help you to make this journey a bit easier and help you to understand How you and your marketing team will Keep Reading: How To Choose The Right PPC Agency

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How Hiring A Global SEO Agency Can 10x Your Business

Today we want to look at the advantages of hiring a global SEO agency and how your business can benefit from knowledge, multi-language-support and experience – to name a few of the capabilities a SEO partner should bring to the table.

Continue Reading: How Hiring A Global SEO Agency Can 10x Your Business

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6 Important Content Marketing Trends in 2019

Content marketing grew significantly in the last years, and sometimes it seems that nearly everything has been done already. Do we Marketers have to reinvent ourselves for 2019? Content is supposed to surprise and engage new audiences in new ways, better ways.

What will be the new trends in content marketing for the coming year and how can we make the most out of it?

2019 will be the year of continuous testing and trying new approaches. Marketers will need to keep on focussing on their target personas and make sure to not disappear within the vast quantities of content out there. You still have to SEO optimize your content and make sure you are targeting the right family of keywords in every piece, ensure that you are (more…)

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How to create SEO-friendly content that really ranks

Every day while working with my clients I find that people have a totally different idea of what SEO is and how content should be created in order to rank.

Even some top blog, or even Search Engine Blogs that accept guest posts from external writers do no follow some basic rules in the articles they publish.

Rules, you say?

What other rules than creating a high-quality piece of content with 1000-2000 words with value, nice images, and more value, do I need? (more…)

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