The long awaited Google IO18 Keynote event is now live and you can watch it on Youtube. It’s held in the open air theatre
Learn about the latest product and platform innovations at Google in a Keynote led by Sundar Pichai.
Google I/O 2018 All Sessions Playlist → https://goo.gl/q1Tr8x
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel → https://goo.gl/mQyv5L
- Google AI for everyone. Google AI training centers worldwide.
- Google AI for medical diagnosis, eye scans can predict cardiovascular risks and much more.
- Predict Medical Events 76% chance of readmission for doctors dueto up to 20k data points, ideal for medical institutions
- Google AI “Looking to Listen”: Analyze different voices in videos. Use tech to enhance live and make impact.
- Voice is becoming more relevant. Google is showing us a wide range of updates to Google Voice Search
- Updates this week on Android to prevent users from using screens too much and help become kids to become safe and secure online
- Updates on Google News: The new Google News is coming! Initiative, AI is used to bring the best news forward, quality sources, and a product that works for publishers
- more local news, better AI enhanced techniques
- More user focused, better, quality, content
- New feature: Newscast
- Android P. will be available today and for more devices: New Android features: Adaptive Battery for better battery life experience. OS adapts to uses. e.g. 30% reduction in CPU and Auto Brightness
- Adaptive App predictions to assume “App Actions” via predictions on “what the next action of the user might be”
- ML Kit for Developers to use new technologies. Text recognition, Automatically classify through camera…
- New Navigation System: All Apps and Overview are combined with more gesture use. Larger Overview and Smart Text Selection within Overview
- New Google Maps TAB called “For you” and new “Score” called “YouMatch”, a personal score for users to make better decisions on locations
- Google Maps: Shortlist feature to plan together and take decisions easy, quick. Coming on the OS this summer.
- Google Maps Augmented Reality navigation.
- Google Lens: AI applied in cameras: Copy and Paste text from real world pictures and photos
- Weymo is the only self driving company with actually having self driving cars on the street.
- Many new features in Weymo. e.g.: “Behaviour prediction” to predict cars that might cross red lights due to speed.
Google IO Keywnote 08.05.2018 – Biggest Takeaways:
Google AI for medical diagnosis, eye scans can predict cardiovascular risks and much more
Youtube Break Recommendations
Google News Initiative
Google News Design Updates & Newscasts
Intelligent Adaptive Battery Use
App Actions
New Navigation System, App Overview, Text Selection
Google Maps Augmented Reality Navigation
Google Lens
Find out information from the real world and search information.
Weymo Behaviour Prediction